Future Activites

Good Governance Activities

The Good Governance Program is anchored on the National Values and Principles of Governance as stipulated in Article 10 of the CoK 2010 as follows:

10. (1) the national values and principles of governance in this Article bind all State organs, State officers, public officers, and all persons
      (2) The national values and principles of governance include

a) Patriotism, national unity, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people;

b) Human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination, and protection of the marginalized;

Indigenous Peoples do not consider themselves to be poor. On the contrary, they possess, control, and conserve resources, unique knowledge and rich cultures that have special values and strengths.

Unfortunately, they have ended up impoverished as a result of processes that are out of their control and sometimes irreversible.  These processes have dispossessed them of their traditional lands, restricted or prohibited their access to natural resources, and resulted in the breakdown of their communities and the degradation of their environment, thereby threatening their physical and cultural survival.

This Program recognizes that democratic states are those that work purposely to ensure the full participation and sufficient representation of all members of society in local and national processes.

It is designed to ensure that Indigenous peoples engage in local, national, and international processes that directly impact on their welfare; that their views are incorporated in the decision-making of such fora; and that they enjoy the right and freedom to have representatives championing their interests and concerns in decision making.

Through the PROGRAM, synergies will be created between Indigenous knowledge and modern science, particularly in the field of natural resource management and environmental protection to oppose projects that threaten Indigenous peoples’ lands, forests, waters, cultural practices, food, sovereignty, traditional livelihoods, ecosystems, rights and ways of life.

Upcoming Activities

  • IP Community Empowerment: Through public forums, tailor-made pieces of training, exchange visits, and facilitation of engagement platforms with state actors amongst other activities, Indigenous peoples will be empowered with skills necessary to engage policymakers with a view of contributing to the enactment of laws and policies as well as the establishment of institutions that appreciate, respect and promote Indigenous peoples’ way of life.
  • Leadership Development Programs: These PROGRAMs are structured to build the capacity of IPs, especially women and youth to take up leadership positions in local and national decision-making institutions for guaranteed representation and participation. The PROGRAMs aim at encouraging and equipping the IPs with the requisite skills, strategies, and in some cases resources to put them at an equal level with the majority communities who normally enjoy undue advantages when it comes to leadership positions.
  • Civic Education: Civic Education activities will majorly be undertaken to impart IPs with information on their rights and fundamental freedoms as enshrined in International and Regional laws, CoK 2010, national legislation, and policies with the main aim of ensuring that IPs actively participate and are sufficiently represented in decision-making processes and that they adequately advocate for the promotion and protection of their rights.
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